The Silver Thread by Emigh Cannaday

The Silver Thread by Emigh CannadayThe Silver Thread by Emigh Cannaday
Series: Annika Brisby #2
Published by Silver Poplar Press on December 1, 2012
Genres: Fae, Fantasy, Romance
Pages: 428
Format: eBook
Source: Author
Purchase on: Amazon// Barnes & Noble// BookBub
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I voluntarily reviewed a complimentary copy of this book. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

"You know, my parents didn't give me much advice about relationships, but my mother told me that we should never go to bed upset with one another." Talvi reached am arm out to invite Annika to curl up against his chest.
"Aww, that's a sweet thing to say," she said as she cozied up in the crook of his arm. "What did your dad tell you?"
"He said to make sure the sofa was comfortable, just in case."

Talvi Marinossian has slain maenads and fought off vampire attacks, but nothing has prepared him for getting involved with one of these forbidden ‘Modern Girls’. When he finally tracks down Annika it’s obvious that she’s changed since her recent adventure in his homeland. It’s also clear that she’s not ready to embrace the next chapter in her life. He tries to persuade her to open up to him, but she finds it difficult since he won’t even explain how he earns a living, why he has a secret cell phone, or the reason he keeps another woman’s handkerchief in his pocket.
Instead of relying on Talvi to help her adjust, Annika delves into her music and her job, and it isn’t long before the new lovers find themselves completely out of sync with one another. Just when they start to find their rhythm, Talvi is called away on business and whisks Annika off to Paris for what is supposed to be a working vacation. But one bad decision leads to another, and the chaos that ensues may cost someone their life.



A year and a half ago, I was invited by the author to review the first book in the Annika Brisby series, (WHICH is still FREE on Kindle). I loved it and was lucky enough to get a copy of the second book in the series, The Silver Thread by Emigh Cannaday. It took me ages to finally get around to reading, but I decided to make it my first book of 2018 and BOY AM I HAPPY! I absolutely could not put it down and finished it within the day, absolutely devouring every word. It was just so utterly fantastic and everything I didn’t know I wanted.

When last we saw, Talvi and Annika were separated. Married after only a few months of knowing each other, Annika was thrust back to the modern world, unwillingly leaving Talvi behind. I was worried the majority of the book would be Talvi trying to find his way back, but surprisingly, he reaches Annika within the first ten percentish of the book. Then, things got so good. Cannaday just absolutely gave me everything I’ve ever wanted with these whirlwind romances: reality. Yes, Talvi and Annika love each other. But, they also came together suddenly, quickly, and in the midst of a dangerous quest. How do you continue a romance when it’s time to settle into the routine of romance and daily life? Especially when you know nothing about your partner’s tiny habits, such as how they take their tea or coffee. Seeing Talvi and Annika struggle to maintain their independence, while also keeping together this relationship was so realistic and just a joy to behold.

Apart from the relationship, the story itself was really interesting! Trying to find out what Talvi’s occupation is/was, what he was hiding from Annika, and then the ending!! That ending had me instantly running to amazon to buy and download the third book in the series. Seriously, if you’ve picked up the first book in the series and are the type of person (like myself) that wonders how these larger than life situations and romance can be maintained when things go “back to normal,” pick up The Silver Thread by Emigh Cannaday. Continues to be one of my favorite urban fantasy, new adult romances!

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