Tag: genre: fantasy

Seasonal Fears by Seanan McGuire

Seasonal Fears by Seanan McGuire is not Middlegame. It follows a different story and gets to that ending through different means. I need you to understand that when you pick this up because I see so many others disappointed that it isn’t Middlegame. This is a story where you have

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A Darker Shade of Magic by VE Schwab

“A Darker Shade of Magic” by VE Schwab, a fantasy masterpiece, captivates with intricate worldbuilding. Schwab crafts four distinct Londons, each with a unique essence. The plot, subtle and compelling, unfolds with well-placed foreshadowing. Pacing improves as the story snowballs, leading to an emotional journey. Memorable characters like Rhy and

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Middlegame by Seanan McGuire

Middlegame by Seanan McGuire is an amazing fantasy/magic realism novel with strong prose and exquisite characters. An absolute must read, just remember to have a box of tissues nearby!

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Black Sun by Rebecca Roanhorse

I have written and re-written this review countless times since I finished Black Sun by Rebecca Roanhorse. I think it is because that you loved is sometimes a lot harder than reviewing one with a number of faults. I keep wanting to get the review perfect, to convince potential readers

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Snow White Learns Witchcraft by Theodora Goss

I had been meaning to read anything by Theodora Goss for the longest time (The Strange Case of the Alchemist’s Daughter has been on my bookshelf for far too long.) Now, after reading Snow White Learns Witchcraft, I really need to read more by Goss. It was an amazing anthology

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The Heart Forger by Rin Chupeco

Though it’s been two years since I picked up the first book in this series, I fell into The Heart Forger by Rin Chupeco with ease. The familiar world Chupeco masterfully crafted in the first of the series, The Bone Witch, continued to grow and flourish, while the characters she

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White Stag by Kara Barbieri

The notion of becoming what you despise most is one that is so appealing to me. Add in goblins and the threat of reality ending, and I’m sold. White Stag by Kara Barbieri definitely ticks all the boxes for things I wanted when I went into this, though I can

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Winterglass by Benjanun Sriduangkaew

I am torn asunder over how to compose this review as I try not to let my opinions on one thing affect my opinions on the other. So, I think what’s best is to talk about Winterglass by Benjanun Sriduangkaew itself first, solely as the ink on the pages it

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Heartsnare by Steven B Williams

With such a cool spooky looking cover, and an intriguing synopsis, I really expected Heartsnare by Steven B Williams to be a fantastic new gritty fantasy world for me to indulge in. And it might be! Just, not for me. I unfortunately had to call it quits on the book

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The Silver Thread by Emigh Cannaday

A year and a half ago, I was invited by the author to review the first book in the Annika Brisby series, (WHICH is still FREE on Kindle). I loved it and was lucky enough to get a copy of the second book in the series, The Silver Thread by

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Feast of Chaos by Christian A Brown

Third book in the Four Feasts Till Darkness series, Feast of Chaos by Christian A Brown continues the delicate dance of progressing the possible destruction of Geadhain with the struggle to save it. Brown continues to excel at balancing the wide cast of characters with ample time and story. It

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The Bone Witch by Rin Chupeco

Sometimes, a popular book comes out that everyone loves and I just don’t get. I’m used to those situations happening. But then, sometimes the opposite happens and a book that has been hyped up comes out to less favorable reviews, but I love it. That always shocks me. So, when

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Feat of Dreams by Christian A Brown

After re-reading Feast of Fates, I was beyond excited and ready to pick up the second book in Four Feasts Till Darkness series. Feast of Dreams by Christian A Brown did not disappoint. It went beyond every expectation, dream, hope, and nightmare I could have had. Brown remains an expert

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Race Against the Dark by Jennifer Amriss

This left me absolutely breathless! Possibly because I read it from start to finish in under four hours because Wow, was I sucked in! Race Against the Dark by Jennifer Amriss is an amazing intro to a wonderful new fantasy world full of magic and elves. Characters are all well-defined,

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