Monster’s Mate by Anne Hale and Celeste King

I saw Monster’s Mate by Anne Hale and Celeste King randomly while browsing for my next read and thought you know what? Why not! Why not pick this up since I typically need a no thought predictable fun book to read as a palate cleanser between ‘heavier’ things. I still want to get into monster romances despite that wild disappointment that was Honeysuckles by January Rayne and looking at the cover, I figured okay this’ll do! I picked up the audiobook and got straight to it. Unfortunately “it” was continued disappointment.

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Double Pucked by Lauren Blakely

As a hockey romance, Double Pucked by Lauren Blakely was a real letdown. From poorly fleshed out characters, to the lack of hockey, it fails at anything other than MFM erotica.

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Lovely Bad Things by Trisha Wolfe

I picked up Lovely Bad Things by Trisha Wolfe when I was searching for interesting dark romances a few months back. The cover looked gorgeous, the narrators sounded great, and I thought the concept was interesting. An investigator teaming up with a murderer to solve some wild killings while falling

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Piranesi by Susanna Clarke

Piranesi by Susanna Clarke was an absolutely rollercoaster ride of a book. I didn’t know what to expect when I began but was hooked instantly and as the mystery of the House, of Piranesi, and of the book itself began to unravel, so did my emotions. It is an absolutely beautiful story told from the point of view of a beautifully broken man.

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Tidal Creatures by Seanan McGuire

Tidal Creatures by Seanan McGuire was one of the releases I was most excited to pick up this year. I loved and cried during the first book in this series, Middlegame. I loved and cried even more during the second book of the series, Seasonal Fears. I thought I would love and cry during this third installment. Instead, I was left disappointed. This is a book that feels like 464 pages worth of filler.

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Bound to the Shadow Prince by Ruby Dixon

I was so excited to pick up Bound to the Shadow Prince by Ruby Dixon. One, because I really liked her Ice Planet Barbarian series. Two, because I really enjoy darker and monster romances. Three, because I thought this was going to be vampy. While I did enjoy the book, it

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Your Blood My Bones by Kelly Andrew

Your Blood My Bones by Kelly Andrew absolutely is one of those books that you buy a physical copy of just so you can highlight and annotate the heck out of. The prose is so beautiful and the emotions so raw, I absolutely recommend this for someone looking for YA horror and romance. The horror is innate in the beauty and a natural consequence of love and home.

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