Format: Audiobook

Monster’s Mate by Anne Hale and Celeste King

I saw Monster’s Mate by Anne Hale and Celeste King randomly while browsing for my next read and thought you know what? Why not! Why not pick this up since I typically need a no thought predictable fun book to read as a palate cleanser between ‘heavier’ things. I still

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Lovely Bad Things by Trisha Wolfe

I picked up Lovely Bad Things by Trisha Wolfe when I was searching for interesting dark romances a few months back. The cover looked gorgeous, the narrators sounded great, and I thought the concept was interesting. An investigator teaming up with a murderer to solve some wild killings while falling

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Piranesi by Susanna Clarke

Piranesi by Susanna Clarke was an absolutely rollercoaster ride of a book. I didn’t know what to expect when I began but was hooked instantly and as the mystery of the House, of Piranesi, and of the book itself began to unravel, so did my emotions. It is an absolutely

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Tidal Creatures by Seanan McGuire

Tidal Creatures by Seanan McGuire was one of the releases I was most excited to pick up this year. I loved and cried during the first book in this series, Middlegame. I loved and cried even more during the second book of the series, Seasonal Fears. I thought I would

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Cosmic Kiss by Clio Evans

I’d seen Cosmic Kiss by Clio Evans floating around for a bit and finally decided to give it a read, just to see what the hype was about. Unfortunately, it didn’t take a hold of me as I hoped it would. Part of it might be the fact that I

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The Handyman Method by Nick Cutter and Andrew F Sullivan

I really enjoyed The Handyman Method by Nick Cutter and Andrew F Sullivan. Yes, the social commentary is heavy but so is the gore and horror imagery. I think everything meshes so well that eventually the knowledge that this is commentary fades to the background and all you can focus

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The Magicians by Lev Grossman

The Magicians by Lev Grossman is a book that grows with you. Reading it as the age of the characters, you feel their strife. Reading it as an older person with more experience, you feel the heartbreak that you know is unavoidable because there is nothing to be done to

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Jade City by Fonda Lee

I have danced around picking up Jade City by Fonda Lee since it was first released. I’ve heard the praise and it seemed interesting, but for whatever reason, I could not motivate myself to pick it up. I guess I was worried it would be some weird and boring fantasy

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There Are No Saints by Sophie Lark

After being disappointed by Haunting Adeline, I ventured deeper into dark, stalker romance and found There Are No Saints by Sophie Lark. Now this is what I was looking for. This is a dark, stalker romance! Cole was a pretty hot male protagonist and definitely not a hero. He is

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Haunting Adeline by HD Carlton

Haunting Adeline by HD Carlton is the turning point in my taking any recommendations from TikTok. I was so incredibly underwhelmed. This was marketed as incredibly dark with a sexy male character and a female protagonist that isn’t an idiot. Well, it was all a bunch of lies. Now, I

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Satan’s Affair by HD Carlton

I’m gonna be honest with you. I picked this up as an audiobook and I think that really colored a lot of what I disliked about Satan’s Affair by HD Carlton. A friend and I decided we were going to read Haunting Adeline to see what all the hype was

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Summer Knight by Jim Butcher

I think if you are starting to pick this series up in 2024 and have been on the fence, Summer Knight by Jim Butcher will likely put you off. If you’re willing to keep trudging through, I think it will pay off. Summer Knight definitely sets the stage for later

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Seasonal Fears by Seanan McGuire

Seasonal Fears by Seanan McGuire is not Middlegame. It follows a different story and gets to that ending through different means. I need you to understand that when you pick this up because I see so many others disappointed that it isn’t Middlegame. This is a story where you have

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Middlegame by Seanan McGuire

Middlegame by Seanan McGuire is an amazing fantasy/magic realism novel with strong prose and exquisite characters. An absolute must read, just remember to have a box of tissues nearby!

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