November was such a good month for reading! I finally broke through my reader’s block and just read as much as I could when I could. Lets break down what the month brought us!
Top Stars
Two books received top, five star ratings! All the Lies by S. T. Abby and The Hurting Kind by Ada Limón. Absolutely two far ends of the spectrum, yet both really went for my heart. The Hurting Kind is a great collection of poetry by current US Poet Laureate Ada Limón and most of the poems are so completely annotated and highlighted. All The Lies is the penultimate book in the Mindf*ck series where Lana’s secrets finally hit Logan.
Low Marks
The lowest rated book in November was Asher Black by Parker S Huntington which managed to still get a respectable three stars. I liked it but wasn’t mesmerized by it. It isn’t a book I’m going to purchase a hard copy of to put in my library and will remain an ebook on my kindle instead.
By The Numbers
Books Reviewed: 7
Audiobooks Reviewed: 1
Pages Read: 1,099
Time Listened: 9 hours 45 minutes
Average Rating: 4.2 stars
Quick Glance

The Hurting Kind by Ada Limón
Amazing collection of poetry. Definitely pick it up!

The Risk by S. T. Abby (Book 1 of Mindf*ck Series)
Incredible start to a heavy dark romance series. Definitely pick it up!
Sidetracked by S. T. Abby (Book 2 of Mindf*ck Series)
Second in the series that continues to ramp up the tension.

Scarlet Angel by S. T. Abby (Book 3 of Mindf*ck Series)
Just when you thought things couldn’t get more complicated with Lana, they do! Definitely keeps the tension up!

All The Lies by S. T. Abby (Book 4 of Mindf*ck Series)
The BEST in the series. Everything finally starts coming unraveled and that final scene will leave you in pieces.

⭐⭐⭐⭐ 1/2
Paint It All Red by S. T. Abby (Book 5 of Mindf*ck Series)
Great ending to a great series where everyone stays in character and plot lines play out as they should.
The Luminaries by Susan Dennard
Great intro to a new YA paranormal series. Definitely recommend, especially the audiobook!

Asher Black by Parker S Huntington
Angsty and sexual tension filled mafia romance that falters only due to a weak FMC. Keep it to ebooks.