Tag: genre: urban fantasy

The Goblins of Bellwater by Molly Ringle

A beautiful cover, a story inspired by Rossetti’s Goblin Market, and set in the PNW, I was all about The Goblins of Bellwater by Molly Ringle. Yet, I don’t really know how I feel about it now that I’ve finished it, other than saying it’s a true and solid three

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Angelbound by Christina Bauer

I really enjoyed it! Bauer does a great job of getting immersing readers in the world without bogging the story down. We learn as we read, which is fantastic. The pacing is steady and the characters fun. Myla is a great protagonist, full of spark, energy, and of course, wrath.

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Awaken by G.R. Thomas

A great synopsis and a stunning cover had me drooling over Awaken by GR Thomas. Unfortunately, the reality was a bit more stark. There’s a good story there and solid characters, but the delivery leaves a lot to be desired. I think this might be Thomas’ first book and the

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Chasing Embers by James Bennett

Dragons? Who doesn’t love dragons? Then, you add in dragons in the modern world? I couldn’t get my hands on this fast enough! Sadly, Chasing Embers by James Bennett didn’t live up to the hype I had built up in my head. It’s good, definitely worth three stars, but not

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A Dream of Ashes by Orlando A. Sanchez

Kick ass heroines racing to exonerate themselves is much beloved trope/genre for me. I mean, I’ve loved reading all about Anita Blake’s antics (before it all went to hell in a harem), as well as Sookie Stackhouse’s adventures. So, when I was approached to review A Dream of Ashes by

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The Flame and the Arrow by Emigh Cannaday

Reading the synopsis, I wasn’t sold on The Flame and the Arrow by Emigh Cannaday, I have to be honest. I thought this sounds cheesy, and doubted it would do anything but bore me. But, I thought hey, it’s free, the author was incredibly lovely in her email, and the

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The City’s Son by Tom Pollock

Starting with a strong burst of excitement, The City’s Son by Tom Pollock immediately places the reader in Filius Viae’s London — a dirty, yet fantastical London where nothing is as it seems. The characters each feel individual, Beth is as different as Pen is as different as Electra is

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Accession by Terah Edun

A small town, a sixteen year old witch surrounded by death, and a court under attack, mix in fantastical creatures and young romance and you’ve got the premise of Accession. Obviously, as someone who enjoys all of the above, I jumped at the chance to read and review this book,

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