Tag: 2016

Feast of the Epiphany by Kathryn M. Hearst

The thought of supernatural creatures working on behalf of the Catholic Church, instead of the Church looking to condemn and execute them, is such an interesting twist and breath of fresh air, that I had to pick up Feast of the Epiphany by Kathryn M Hearst. I needed to see

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Under Rose-Tainted Skies by Louise Gornall

Not the usual book I tend to read, I picked up Under Rose-Tainted Skies by Louise Gornall because I wanted to see if she did justice to the way mental health issues are portrayed in YA media, and I guess media in general. The depressed, brooding anti-hero always so swoon

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The Snow Queen: A Tale in Seven Stories by Hans Christian Andersen

This was such a lovely holiday fairytale I cannot believe I’ve never read it before! It does, obviously, have Christian overtones to it, and I’m guessing Nordic cultural undertones but it’s still so wonderful and relateable. I definitely would love to share this with children. Plus, the illustrations are absolutely

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Wolfsbane and Mistletoe

Our December book for the Roadside Reads Bookcast, Wolfsbane and Mistletoe edited by Charlaine Harris was a wild ride. Not necessarily a great ride, but wild nonetheless. It seems my trouble with anthologies continues as there were more misses than hits in this book. Sure, there were a handful of

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Murder at Mistletoe Manor by Holly Tierney

This was SUCH a fun Christmas mystery novella. The main character is relatable and likeable. The plot was solid and the pacing fast enough that you didn’t bored but slow enough that you didn’t get lost or swept away. Holly Tierney knows her writing well and makes this a truly

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The Corner Store Witch

I have no idea what to make of The Corner Store Witch by HD Lynn. If this should be taken seriously or as a parody or both. I do know that the title and cover, both of which make this sound fantastic, were completely misleading. There is no witch, only

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Rise by Luis Almonte

OMG WHAT A STORY! So, I was beyond confused at the start, not really caring for prologues that start at the end of the book. I was really worried that I had made a mistake picking up Rise by Luis Almonte. Then, the story switched to what happened before the

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Midnight’s Edge: The Secrets of Sleepy Meadow

Secrets of Sleepy Meadows by David Chappuis and Michael Klinger is an interesting book but wouldn’t have held my attention as much as it did were it not for the inclusion of a gay romance. Outside of that, it felt like a decent paranormal book but just didn’t hold me

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Metronome by Oliver K. Langmead

SUCH an interesting concept and fantastic execution, Metronome by Oliver Langmead is a thought provoking, yet fun read. Manderlay’s adventures into the land of dreams is exciting. The idea of nightmares as something that must be physically fought and defeated is great. What Langmead does with the nightmares, his description

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Uprising by Jessica Therrien

The second book in the Children of the Gods series, Uprising by Jessica Therrien keeps up the action from the first book. Elyse, now on the run with William and accepting her role as “the chosen one,” learns to fight and strategize war plans. The war begins to brew and pieces snap into place.

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A Feast of Sorrows by Angela Slatter

You know how most times, folks tell you not to judge a book by its cover, and it’s usually meant to encourage you to give things a try? Well, think of this as the opposite. The cover for A Feast of Sorrows by Angela Slatter is amazing. It is so

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Lost Gods by Brom

I originally picked Lost Gods by BROM up to be part of a Spooktober read. Then, discovered it wasn’t so much spooky as it was just a really great dark fantasy book full of interesting mythology. Pacing was a little off at times, but the story was amazing. It reminded

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Stalking Jack the Ripper by Kerri Maniscalco

Apart from the stunning cover, Stalking Jack the Ripper by Kerri Maniscalco simply caught my attention for two reasons: Jack the Ripper, and the idea of having a well-to-do girl go about trying to solve the murders through rational thought and science, rather than being the bumbling dumb foil had

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Chasing Embers by James Bennett

Dragons? Who doesn’t love dragons? Then, you add in dragons in the modern world? I couldn’t get my hands on this fast enough! Sadly, Chasing Embers by James Bennett didn’t live up to the hype I had built up in my head. It’s good, definitely worth three stars, but not

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