Tag: 2014

Jim Butcher’s The Dresden Files: War Cry

I am a huge fan of the Dresden files, so when I was given the opportunity to read the graphic novel, I was excited. Sadly, my excitement did not pay off as the realisation that novel to comic is much harder to pull off than it appears on the surface.

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The Red Magician by Lisa Goldstein

Kicsi is a young girl on the cusp of becoming a teenager. She lives in a small village full of family and is a devout Hebrew. The man with the most authority in their village seems to be their local rabbi, who seems more interested in maintaining is own power

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The Book of Strange New Things by Michel Faber

The premise is a very curious one. Oasis is a planet that was essentially discovered by a private organisation, USIC, and fully controlled and operated by them. Like many other instances of colonialism in the world, this one is no different in that the newcomers introduce their religion. Originally introduced

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The Boy A Thousand Years Wide by David Spon-Smith

I went into this book knowing very little. The synopsis doesn’t say much, but the cover art was so interesting, I thought I’d give it a try. I’m happy I did! I haven’t really read much Angel fiction; it was never really a genre I focused on simply because most

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Amity by Micol Ostow

Well, it seems in doing the RIP IX challenge this October, I am destined to teeter between the good and the bad of horror novels. Last week, we had the really great Darkness. This week, we have the not so great Amity. I should begin by saying that the low, two star rating

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A Song for Ella Grey by David Almond

A modern retelling of the Orpheus and Eurydice myth, “A Song for Ella Grey” does a decent job of presenting the myth to a young adult audience in a contemporary setting. However, Almond takes a gigantic risk in utilizing a strong north English dialect for the characters’ speech; a risk

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Of Monsters and Madness by Jessica Verday

So, I was very excited to read this book. I am a huge fan of Edgar Allan Poe, as well as a YA fan, so I thought this would be a nice, fun read to start the RIP IX reading challenge. Unfortunately, this book just left me wondering why anyone would

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A Sudden Light by Garth Stein

This book was amazing and worth all five out of five stars, without a doubt. ‘A Sudden Light‘ is an American Gothic masterpiece that is centered around the Riddell family, chronicling their self-destructive demise over the decades. Garth Stein is able to expertly weave multiple stories into a cohesive tale that

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Frozen by Melissa de la Cruz, Michael Johnston

So, I decided to pick this up on NetGalley because I was a fan of de la Cruz’s Blue Bloods series. Even though NetGalley has this book listed as being released October 2014, Frozen was actually published a year prior. Perhaps there were changes made between the two editions, but

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Nest by Esther Ehrlich

I was sent an invitation to read Nest a few weeks ago and continually put it off. This isn’t normally the type of book I read or review, but since the author/publishers believed I would, I decided to give it a quick glance. Wow, am I so grateful I did finally pick

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Accession by Terah Edun

A small town, a sixteen year old witch surrounded by death, and a court under attack, mix in fantastical creatures and young romance and you’ve got the premise of Accession. Obviously, as someone who enjoys all of the above, I jumped at the chance to read and review this book,

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A Myth to the Night by Cora Choi

I was immediately drawn to A Myth to the Night because of the amazing cover art. It looked beautiful, and the synopsis made it sound amazing. It is amazing… in theory and in concept, but in execution, not so much. There are some serious flaws with world building and the

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Inamorata by Megan Chance

I have to admit, the cover was what really hooked me on giving this book a chance. I don’t usually read historical fiction, but it looked too beautiful for me to pass up. My goodness, am I ever happy that I did choose it! This was such a great, surprising

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Artful by Peter David

Before I get into the crux of my review, I would like to say that it was tough coming up with an adequate star rating for the book. I think a target audience of young (ages 10-17) males would give it 4, or possibly even 5 stars. Young female readers

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River Marked by Patricia Briggs

If up until this point you were unsure whether Mercy Thompson was a series that was worth continuing, your doubts are completely obliterated and forgotten with River Marked. Easily the best book of the series so far. I could not believe Patricia Briggs was hiding this from us for so

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