Tag: audiobook

Cosmic Kiss by Clio Evans

I’d seen Cosmic Kiss by Clio Evans floating around for a bit and finally decided to give it a read, just to see what the hype was about. Unfortunately, it didn’t take a hold of me as I hoped it would. Part of it might be the fact that I

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The Handyman Method by Nick Cutter and Andrew F Sullivan

I really enjoyed The Handyman Method by Nick Cutter and Andrew F Sullivan. Yes, the social commentary is heavy but so is the gore and horror imagery. I think everything meshes so well that eventually the knowledge that this is commentary fades to the background and all you can focus

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Fool Moon by Jim Butcher

Would I recommend? Yes, and the series gets better! Again, this is a ‘re-read’ as I listened to the audiobook for the first time. Marsters continues to be the best voice for Harry Dresden and I can only picture him now as the lanky, cantankerous wizard. Onto the book itself!

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Storm Front by Jim Butcher

Technically, this is a re-read, though this is a review of the audiobook which I listened to for the first time. Where I work, it is very quiet so I decided to try audiobooks. In the past, I was never able to really sit and pay attention. Now, knowing I

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